Site Information Sticker Kit (NRG Solar) [VINYL] (Sticker Kits (Site Standards))
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![Site Information Sticker Kit (NRG Solar) [VINYL] Site Information Sticker Kit (NRG Solar) [VINYL]](
(Site Information Sticker Kit)
- vinyl version ($$) -
price compare to paper sticker version
What is a Site Information Sticker Kit?
The standards in Australia are always improving to increase safety and the overall standard of installations. There has been a recent AS/NZ standard change (AS/NZ 5033:2021) which includes displaying a site plan in customer’s meter box.
Custom Printed Aesthetic Sticker Sheets on VINYL
How to print Sticker Sheets?
Supply your sticker sheets as a PDF containing three pages:
1. Print Page:
Your sticker sheet print page including 3mm bleed with no cut lines.
2. Cutline Page: (on file)
Cut lines should be supplied in 100% K (black) with a 1mm path for each sticker on page
3. Review & Guides Page:
The cut lines imposed over the print layer as a guide to ensure all cuts align.
Vinyl Sticker Sheet Stocks
Vinyl Stickers are suitable for both sunshine and moisture applications, as they're water-resistant and durable.
We can print on vinyl adhesive, literally as small or as large as what our roll sizes allow. Stickers can be small product labels up to large stick on signage - you can order custom size from our online calculator, and pay by the square metre.